Yr Avg: $0.99 1.006618513
Yr Avg: $0.97 1.0290710089583
Yr Avg: $0.98 1.0184423939583
Yr Avg: $1.06 0.94393777791667
Yr Avg: $1.08 0.92282108875
Yr Avg: $1.09 0.91534812458333
Yr Avg: $1.10 0.91248200895833
Yr Avg: $1.09 0.9150414425
Yr Avg: $1.11 0.90139309125
Yr Avg: $1.15 0.87222705208333
Yr Avg: $1.18 0.84899103208333
Yr Avg: $1.19 0.84051404541667
Yr Avg: $1.21 0.8284262375
Yr Avg: $1.22 0.81963476916667
Yr Avg: $1.23 0.80993286666667
Yr Avg: $1.25 0.80002149333333
Yr Avg: $1.27 0.78990861083333
Yr Avg: $1.28 0.777601448125
Yr Avg: $1.32 0.75490545729167
Yr Avg: $1.36 0.734522211875
Yr Avg: $1.42 0.704486235
Yr Avg: $1.50 0.66808122229167
Yr Avg: $1.58 0.631189219375
Yr Avg: $1.65 0.60513094375
Yr Avg: $1.71 0.58595434729167
Yr Avg: $1.81 0.55216812145833
Yr Avg: $2.01 0.49744050625
Yr Avg: $2.20 0.45543796333333
Yr Avg: $2.32 0.43062102958333
Yr Avg: $2.47 0.40436834395833
Yr Avg: $2.66 0.37583542291667
Yr Avg: $2.96 0.33803274541667
Yr Avg: $3.37 0.2975769175
Yr Avg: $3.71 0.26963302875
Yr Avg: $3.94 0.253946584375
Yr Avg: $4.06 0.24602381458333
Yr Avg: $4.24 0.23587134604167
Yr Avg: $4.39 0.22779159895833
Yr Avg: $4.47 0.22353020708333
Yr Avg: $4.64 0.215656579375
Yr Avg: $4.83 0.207213950625
Yr Avg: $5.06 0.197666108125
Yr Avg: $5.33 0.18756695979167
Yr Avg: $5.56 0.17990597375
Yr Avg: $5.73 0.17461900729167
Yr Avg: $5.90 0.16960721020833
Yr Avg: $6.05 0.165299755
Yr Avg: $6.22 0.16078638
Yr Avg: $6.40 0.156211265625
Yr Avg: $6.55 0.15263545395833
Yr Avg: $6.65 0.150302590625
Yr Avg: $6.80 0.14709108520833
Yr Avg: $7.03 0.14228958479167
Yr Avg: $7.23 0.13836968104167
Yr Avg: $7.34 0.13621285875
Yr Avg: $7.51 0.13318551354167
Yr Avg: $7.71 0.12972089958333
Yr Avg: $7.97 0.125474144375
Yr Avg: $8.23 0.12154175833333
Yr Avg: $8.46 0.11817711604167
Yr Avg: $8.79 0.11382046145833
Yr Avg: $8.76 0.11420692583333
Yr Avg: $8.90 0.11235795416667
Yr Avg: $9.18 0.10892759645833
Yr Avg: $9.37 0.10671356
Yr Avg: $9.51 0.10517143020833
Yr Avg: $9.66 0.10349471625
Yr Avg: $9.68 0.10337223083333
Yr Avg: $9.80 0.102085188125
Yr Avg: $10.00 0.099953944791667
Yr Avg: $10.25 0.097571458958333
Yr Avg: $10.43 0.09583583625
Yr Avg: $10.56 0.094666525416667
Yr Avg: $11.06 0.090454331041667
Yr Avg: $11.94 0.083747764375
Yr Avg: $12.44 0.080413106666667
Yr Avg: $12.80 0.078106662291667
Color Key:
US $ = previous month, or start month
US $ < previous month
US $ > previous month
What is on each line:
a) 1966/01:
b) $3.24
c) 30.8176101%
a) This line's year/month.
b) How much of this line's dollars it would take to match the value of the starting year/month.
c) The percentage of the value of the starting year/month's dollar value that this line's year has. You can also round it off to get the value of this line's dollar compared to the starting year/month, in this case it would be almost 31¢.
Data extrapolated from
The data should include values through the year 2025,
if not then harvest current data and reload this page.