US Inflation History

2022/05 : $1.00 100%
     06 : $1.01 98.645005226581%
     07 : $1.01 98.656658292585%
     08 : $1.01 98.691635386272%
     09 : $1.02 98.479825178359%
     10 : $1.02 98.081956636576%
     11 : $1.02 98.181122528186%
     12 : $1.02 98.483475895736%
  Yr Avg: $1.01 0.98652459893037
2023/01 : $1.02 97.70230887294%
     02 : $1.03 97.159950664014%
     03 : $1.03 96.839343709583%
     04 : $1.04 96.351895391915%
     05 : $1.04 96.109847461157%
     06 : $1.04 95.800517763588%
     07 : $1.05 95.618125060156%
     08 : $1.05 95.202360844959%
     09 : $1.05 94.96635568659%
     10 : $1.05 95.002779347212%
     11 : $1.05 95.194609035758%
     12 : $1.05 95.289262235056%
  Yr Avg: $1.04 0.95936446339411
2024/01 : $1.06 94.77298697013%
     02 : $1.06 94.189981721657%
     03 : $1.07 93.585030412355%
     04 : $1.07 93.222091242463%
     05 : $1.07 93.067445780658%
     06 : $1.07 93.036047821654%
     07 : $1.08 92.928086206561%
     08 : $1.08 92.852512777735%
     09 : $1.08 92.703796749054%
     10 : $1.08 92.597192222528%
     11 : $1.08 92.647380638617%
Color Key:
US $ = previous month, or start month
US $ < previous month
US $ > previous month

What is on each line:

a) 1966/01: b) $3.24 c) 30.8176101%

a) This line's year/month.
b) How much of this line's dollars it would take to match the value of the starting year/month.
c) The percentage of the value of the starting year/month's dollar value that this line's year has. You can also round it off to get the value of this line's dollar compared to the starting year/month, in this case it would be almost 31¢.

Data extrapolated from

The data should include values through the year 2024,
if not then harvest current data and reload this page.