US Inflation History

2023/01 : $1.00 100%
     02 : $1.01 99.444887009138%
     03 : $1.01 99.116740255873%
     04 : $1.01 98.617828486754%
     05 : $1.02 98.370088250571%
     06 : $1.02 98.053483964412%
     07 : $1.02 97.866801883367%
     08 : $1.03 97.441260030781%
     09 : $1.03 97.19970467647%
     10 : $1.03 97.236984921985%
     11 : $1.03 97.433325920226%
     12 : $1.03 97.530205103932%
  Yr Avg: $1.02 0.98192609208626
2024/01 : $1.03 97.001788456587%
     02 : $1.04 96.405072518961%
     03 : $1.04 95.785894409169%
     04 : $1.05 95.414419902498%
     05 : $1.05 95.256137602326%
     06 : $1.05 95.224001249187%
     07 : $1.05 95.11350067214%
     08 : $1.05 95.036149962932%
     09 : $1.05 94.883936539937%
     10 : $1.06 94.774824966469%
     11 : $1.05 94.826193676859%
     12 : $1.05 94.792543157181%
  Yr Avg: $1.05 0.95376205259521
2025/01 : $1.06 94.176051471894%
Color Key:
US $ = previous month, or start month
US $ < previous month
US $ > previous month

What is on each line:

a) 1966/01: b) $3.24 c) 30.8176101%

a) This line's year/month.
b) How much of this line's dollars it would take to match the value of the starting year/month.
c) The percentage of the value of the starting year/month's dollar value that this line's year has. You can also round it off to get the value of this line's dollar compared to the starting year/month, in this case it would be almost 31¢.

Data extrapolated from

The data should include values through the year 2025,
if not then harvest current data and reload this page.