Yr Avg: $1.01 0.992436867
Yr Avg: $1.03 0.96820951
Yr Avg: $1.07 0.93752695566667
Yr Avg: $1.13 0.88346899433333
Yr Avg: $1.26 0.79590481
Yr Avg: $1.37 0.72870074133333
Yr Avg: $1.45 0.68899364733333
Yr Avg: $1.55 0.64698935033333
Yr Avg: $1.66 0.60133667666667
Yr Avg: $1.85 0.54085239266667
Yr Avg: $2.10 0.476123068
Yr Avg: $2.32 0.431412846
Yr Avg: $2.46 0.406314535
Yr Avg: $2.54 0.39363810333333
Yr Avg: $2.65 0.37739415366667
Yr Avg: $2.74 0.36446655833333
Yr Avg: $2.80 0.35764833133333
Yr Avg: $2.90 0.345050527
Yr Avg: $3.02 0.331542321
Yr Avg: $3.16 0.316265773
Yr Avg: $3.33 0.30010713566667
Yr Avg: $3.47 0.287849558
Yr Avg: $3.58 0.27939041166667
Yr Avg: $3.68 0.27137153633333
Yr Avg: $3.78 0.264479608
Yr Avg: $3.89 0.257258208
Yr Avg: $4.00 0.249938025
Yr Avg: $4.09 0.24421672633333
Yr Avg: $4.16 0.240484145
Yr Avg: $4.25 0.23534573633333
Yr Avg: $4.39 0.22766333566667
Yr Avg: $4.52 0.22139148966667
Yr Avg: $4.59 0.217940574
Yr Avg: $4.69 0.21309682166667
Yr Avg: $4.82 0.20755343933333
Yr Avg: $4.98 0.200758631
Yr Avg: $5.14 0.19446681333333
Yr Avg: $5.29 0.18908338566667
Yr Avg: $5.49 0.18211273833333
Yr Avg: $5.47 0.18273108133333
Yr Avg: $5.56 0.17977272666667
Yr Avg: $5.74 0.17428415433333
Yr Avg: $5.86 0.170741696
Yr Avg: $5.94 0.16827428833333
Yr Avg: $6.04 0.165591546
Yr Avg: $6.05 0.16539556933333
Yr Avg: $6.12 0.163336301
Yr Avg: $6.25 0.15992631166667
Yr Avg: $6.41 0.15611433433333
Yr Avg: $6.52 0.153337338
Yr Avg: $6.60 0.15146644066667
Yr Avg: $6.91 0.14472692966667
Yr Avg: $7.47 0.133996423
Yr Avg: $7.77 0.12866097066667
Color Key:
US $ = previous month, or start month
US $ < previous month
US $ > previous month
What is on each line:
a) 1966/01:
b) $3.24
c) 30.8176101%
a) This line's year/month.
b) How much of this line's dollars it would take to match the value of the starting year/month.
c) The percentage of the value of the starting year/month's dollar value that this line's year has. You can also round it off to get the value of this line's dollar compared to the starting year/month, in this case it would be almost 31¢.
Data extrapolated from
The data should include values through the year 2024,
if not then harvest current data and reload this page.