We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever. — Carl Sagan

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Others, Non-LazCMS™ Embedded:
Share A File - A work in progress.
Network Access QR Code Generator
Random Password Generator
WordList Find - FINDLE for WORDLE
Weather Forecast - Local for me, it pulls the data from a NOAA Weather.gov json file.
Weather Sticker - Local for me, it pulls the data from a NOAA Weather.gov json file.
Sun Information - Sun Information for an entire year.
Seasons from now till 2037 (new window)
Heat Index/Wind Chill charts (new window)
Paver/Paving Brick Layout (new window)
Student Debt (new window)
Chinese New Year Dates (new window)
CSS Colors (new window)
TP Price Comparison (new window)
Rotated Nested Polygons (new window)
Roman Numerals (new window)
Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1 Cipher (Decipher) (new window)
Fortnite Season X Visitor Recordings and Decoded Message (new window)
Box Shadow / Border Radius
Birth Date Popularity
Ohio Voter Information (new window)
One Page Calendar (new window)
Planning Calendar (new window)
Vacation Planning Calendar (new window)
Ring Sizing Chart (new window)
Gas Price Converter (new window)
Inflation Chart (new window)
HTML 5 Input Tag Attributes (new window)
Base 64 Encode Decode (new window)
Traffic Cams (new window)
WHOIS (new window)

Solar System Weights (new window)
Solar System Light Times (new window)
BINGO Cards (new window)
Powerball Numbers (new window)
Mega Millions Numbers (new window)
Die Cube - Print out your own dice.
Stone Cube Replica - Print a replica of the non-sanctioned stone cube [supposedly created by "Michael Massanelli" to commemorate his marriage to his wife "Jennifer Anne Massanelli" on 8/16/2014] that was removed from the "Georgia Guidestones" (new window)
Sudoku puzzles (new window)
US Zip Code List Database in CSV format compressed in a ZIP file (new window) - Contains 'zip, lat, lon, city, state, county, area, fips, time_zone, time_offset, dst, class'. There are some inaccuracies in the data, most notably in the 'area' codes (due to area code changes). But the vast majority of the data should be correct.

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There is no warranty implied or otherwise for any of the applications provided on this site.


We don't claim anything provided on this site is good for anything -- if you think it is, great, but it's up to you to decide. If is doesn't work: tough. If you lose a million because it is messed up, it's you that's out the million, not us. If you don't like this disclaimer: tough. We reserve the right to do the absolute minimum provided by law, up to and including nothing. This is basically the same disclaimer that comes with all software packages, but ours is in plain English and theirs is in legalese.

(this disclaimer was shamelessly copied from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interactive_easyflow, you may also want to check out EasyFlow Software Docs)