She said she was approaching forty, and I couldn't help wondering from what direction. — Bob Hope

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General Information

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NON-TRUSTED network.
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Problem Signing In?

Change IP Request

A portion of the enhanced security on the site is based on your IP address, if your home IP address has changed then it will have to be changed in our list of Trusted Networks, click the above link to send an email from your email account with your new IP address.

Remember to also print your Perfect Paper Password (PPP) card so that you will be able to log in while you are roaming on untrusted networks. To print the PPP card you should go to your user information screen, open the PPP section, click the link to print the PPP card and print your PPP card, notice that it can only be printed while you are logged on as yourself over a Trusted Network.

If you are locked out of the system due to other reasons, you may still use the link near the top of this page but detail in the email what your sign in problem is so that it may more quickly resolved.

If you are connecting from a mobile device then you need to connect one time through a Trusted Network and set a Roaming Authentication cookie on your device by going to the Settings page and telling it to allow your device to roam. This assumes the browser on your device can, and will, remember a security cookie that this site will set.

Your Information